Eviction Journal of Tasia
September 2006
for the
Evict My Alien Love Child project

September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6pm, 7, 7pm, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 18pm, 19, 20, 21, 27, 29

Thank you to those who have already made donations.

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1 September 2006, Friday

I moved my seat forward in the truck! I can now reach the peddles much easier and my alien still does not rub the wheel. What a nice surprise for a day filled with errands.

I had been driving with the seat set back a little further than is truly comfortable so that my alien would not rub on the wheel. There is nothing that makes you feel as fat as your tummy rubbing on the wheel every time you turn it. Now I can drive with the seat set close enough to push the clutch all the way to the floor easily and the wheel does not touch me. Yeah! I keep getting signs that I am really shrinking.

2 September 2006, Saturday

I was the first person to sign in at Victory today. I have never done this before. I keep thinking I will go when it opens, however, the reality is that I never make it there until it has been open for a while. Well today was different.

It is also Saturday and they don’t open until 9. I did not realize this and had gotten there at my usual time of 8:30. Since I was not going to drive home and drive back I just walked all around the Graceland Shopping Center. They have been doing a lot of construction here and there are many new stores, including a new BW3. Brian and I will have to try that one out.

When Victory finally opened I was already warmed up. I signed in and hopped onto the Trek Mill. This is an incline treadmill that I had first tired in early May. I can set the slope and the speed. I went with 15% slope and 2.3 miles per hour. In half and hour I had climbed .168 miles up. I think I’ll do this machine again. I can track how high I climb and see how long it takes me to climb a mile. I did around a sixth of a mile up today.

Next I climbed onto a recumbent bike. They only have the upright bikes down in the basement and I don’t plan on heading down there for a while. After twenty minutes on the hill setting, well it seemed appropriate, they announced a water aerobics class was starting. I jumped off and changed my clothing.

I don’t think I have taken any aqua aerobic classes before. At least I haven’t for years and years. I like it a lot better than the land aerobics. There are no mirrors. I cannot see my body fat jiggling and flopping around. I can feel it wobbling and the alien love child feels like it is jumping up and down on my front. I think the little sucker is trying to fight back. You will be evicted you alien love child! I am going to keep coming back here and doing this. You will go away! Besides, aqua aerobics is fun.

After the class was over I went into the dry sauna. I climbed to the top of the seats where it is hottest. This was a mistake. Climbing down all the extremely hot wooden steps I burned the soles of my feet when I came out. I do have a set of aqua shoes, but I have not remembered to take them with me. I am going to have to bring these with me and never go up in the top of the sauna unless I have foot protection.

The last thing I did after my shower at Victory was get weighed and measured. It has been a while and I am planning on starting a new program next week. I’ve scheduled appointments with a trainer for both Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Since there are not many people here right now I decided that now was a perfect time to get measured. However, this was after working out and sweating like crazy for hours. Plus, I don’t think I actually drank all that much while working out.

Chest 46.5
Waist 42
Hips 58
Thigh 30/29
Calf r/l 18/18
Arm r/l 15.5 /14.5
Neck 13.5
Weight 268.5 I did take off my shoes. WOW!

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3 September 2006, Sunday

I woke up before Brian, and planned then made my breakfast. I ate two-thirds of my breakfast and was just pain full. Yes, two slices of bacon and three eggs were too much for me! I am so pleased with this. I recognized that I am full. I no longer feel that I had to be a member of the clean plate club. I had written down what I made for breakfast before I ate it. However, I crossed out the numbers and changed them to one and a half slices of bacon and two eggs. I brought the leftovers up and woke up Brian with breakfast in bed

4 September 2006, Monday

I deliberately took my key off the necklace I had it on so I could take it in the pool with me. However, my little darling minions stole my key this morning! Yes, Gizmo and Gadget are thieves. I had packed all of my gym equipment in my old paper route bag and my key was clearly on the top. When I got to Victory my key was not there. I checked through the bag twice and I know who absconded with it. Those little kittens take anything they can move. As Brian puts it, the kitten’s philosophy is, "Can we move it? Is toy! World is toy."

Today I did 40 minutes on the hill climber for a very impressive.203 miles up. Then 15 minutes on the flat treadmill where I realized I had a rub on the back of my left heel. My sock had worn thin and my shoe had rubbed my skin right off. This really burned when I took a shower. I wanted to work out more, but my heel really hurts. Hm… I could tread water!

I did fifteen minutes of fast treading water and had a thought. I did the old float test. Years ago, when I used to go to the YMCA, I thought of this method of self measuring my body fat. I would stand in the deep water, with my arms by my sides and not move my legs at all. I would see what level I floated at. I originally floated with my shoulders completely out of the water when I did nothing to help me float. The last time I had tested this I floated at my collarbone height. This time I floated at chin level. I am definitely losing body fat!

When I got home I mowed grass in the front yard. I would have done the back as well, but the silly mower would not start again for me. It still would not start; not even Brian could get the silly thing going again. I guess the back yard is destined to have longer grass this week.

5 September 2006, Tuesday

Today I started a completely new workout at Victory. I am tired of the circuit program I have been doing so I had signed up to work with a trainer today. I forgot that I was supposed to be there before my appointment, not at my appointment. Oh well, I did a quick half hour on the hill climber for .181 miles up and then off with the trainer.

I had been weighed and measured last week. Hey, I am lighter, but it looks like I built some areas up instead of shrinking. I just want to shrink. I have enough muscle. Heck, I’m going to need to actually loose some of them to reach my final goal weight. This is why I have been focusing so heavily on cardio. However, the trainer insists that I do some weights to just tone my muscles.

Today’s new workout was lower body and part I of abdominals. Since I want to only tone I’m doing light weights and lots of reps. These weights are so light that I don’t even really feel them. However, by the sixth set of five I could really tell which muscles I was using. The weights are about half of the weight I was doing on my last workout.

The abdominal workout is on a piece of equipment I have watched others use and always thought they looked like they were a monkey swinging in a tree. It looked fun. It is fun but actually really hard. This is a V Crunch – as in vertical crunch. I think it would be a lot easier if this machine would adjust upward more for short people like me. Oh well, no love for the vertically challenged.

Since I did only one cardio before working with the trainer I added twenty minutes on the recumbent bike before I went home. My thighs are already aching. I should have listened to the trainer more carefully and concentrated on squeezing my gluts on that Glut Master. However, I was having so much trouble climbing into it that I heard but did not listen to her instructions. Now I can recall them, too late.

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6 September 2006, Wednesday

This morning my alarm went off, I woke up, but my body refused to get out of bed. My thighs ache from the workout I did yesterday. That one machine I did not concentrate properly on squeezing my gluts and I think I pushed with my thighs. Now I am paying the price in tremendously sore muscles.

By 7:45 I pried myself out of bed and rubbed down my thighs with Icy Hot. This is actually a good pain. This pain says I really worked out hard yesterday. He, he, he, I thought to myself I'll go and do it again. Besides, I have another appointment scheduled at 8:30 so I am committed to go.

Today I did not make the mistake of yesterday. Nope, no way was I going to the gym not having had a decent breakfast! Two slices of bacon and one egg later I was out the door and on my way. I had planned on getting here by 8 so I would have a half-hour of cardio in before my appointment with the trainer. I made it to Victory by 8:25 - a little later than I planned.

Once I had finished a short twenty-four minutes on the recumbent bike, the hill climber had been claimed by someone else, I found the trainer. She was working with another person who I later learned actually had the 8am appointment and had also been late.

Today's torture was a new upper body workout completely with dumbbells. The arm portion was easy. Squatting into the correct position to do the arm movements was where it was torture. Oh, my aching thighs! I think I lost count counting to five multiple times. How hard is it to count to five? Too hard when your thighs are screaming at you the entire time. I finally figured out a method that let me keep track of things. I counted one to five on the fingers of my left hand, then counted sets on the fingers of my right hand. This way I could keep track of where I was in the 5 sets of 5 reps.

Next the trainer led me over to a mat and had me lie down for my new abdominal workout part II. I joked that she was going to have to pry me off the floor. This began was a straight forward set of fifteen on one side then fifteen on the other side curls. This I could count.

The next part was an alternating set of five. I noticed the trainer counted differently than I did. Her counting confused me. She was counting each set of right and left and I was counting each one separately. Mentally there was no way I could count one, one, two, two, three, three, four, four, five, five. I counted one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Odd numbers were right arm and left leg, while even numbers were left arm and right leg. I will have to remember this counting method the next time I do this set of exercises.

I amazed myself with the fact I could actually get up off the floor without using any of the machines to pull against. Nope, I just rolled over onto all fours, pushed my fanny into the air to where I was on hands and feet and just stood up. This was really much easier for me than any other way I could think of to get to my feet.

After I had finished with the trainer I saw that the hill climber was actually available. What the heck, I'm here, it's available… I climbed on the Trek Mill. I set it for steeper than yesterday but lots slower. 25% grade and only 1.9 mpr. I lasted ten minutes and had only climbed .071 miles but I was dead. I needed to go home. I could hear my gatorade calling from 3.5 miles away.

6 September 2006, Wednesday evening

I truly am a glutton for punishment. I went back to Victory this evening. I was actually considering taking the belly dancing class, however, my thighs begged me to take the aqua aerobics class in nice warm water instead.

The pool was not anywhere as warm as last Saturday. However, it was not cold either. I made it to Victory and into the pool just before the 5:30 class started. I had found my gym key my little minions had stolen while I was home and actually was able to lock my locker for the first time in days. Of course, my lock did not stay attached to my swimsuit and I promptly lost it shortly after starting the class. I was not really having fun during the class as I kept wondering if I was going to have to walk home in my wet swimsuit. My purse, keys and everything except my shampoo, cream rinse and towel was locked up. The instructor kept yelling at me to smile. When I explained that I had lost my key she said she had not seen it when I got in the pool. Now I was fretting about where in the gym had I lost it while I was doing the class.

About five minutes before the final stretching section of the hour long class I stepped on something. Could it be? I dived down to the bottom of the pool. Yes! I had my key. I firmly attached it to my suit and could actually enjoy the rest of the class.

Since I had not really enjoyed the aqua aerobics class and there was another one starting at 6:30 I stayed in the pool. This time I moved into the shallow end. I had been splashed and ended up over my head on a few of the steps last hour. Also, the last instructor had basically yelled the entire class. Next time I take this class I need to remember I do not want to be right next to her. For the next class I moved off to back row.

We had a different instructor than the pervious class whom I liked a lot better. I was really impressed with her balance. She did the stretches we were doing in the water on the pool deck to start the class. We could see what the stretches were and she has amazing balance. I want to have balance like that!

I had fun the entire class and really pushed myself. The class used the water weights, which I had never used before. It was fun. It was also a heavy arm workout. Oh well, so I do two arm workouts in the same day. I had hours between this morning and now.

I also goofed off and talked with two girls in the back row during class. After class ended I made a comment about officially joining the bad girls in the class. Colleen and Gina agreed and I am definitely planning on taking this class again with them.

I finally made it home about 8:30. In two sessions at the gym I spent at least a good three and half to four hours working out. I love getting to be a gym rat. Please make a donation and allow me to spend even more time here.

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7 September 2006, Thursday

Since I was still bloated and bleeding last Friday I did not weight myself. Now that the evil period is done I decided to weigh myself this morning. WOW! This morning my naked weight set a new record. I back down to 267.0, yippie!

Today I have again climbed on the Trek Mill. I’m have been using this inclined treadmill every day I head out to Victory lately. Well, Ok, today makes four days that Victory was open in a row now. Hey, I think this is enough of a trend to count. I’m tracking how high I walk. I am writing down flat distance as well, but the reason to use this treadmill is to climb.

distance up
total up
My paper is missing, argh!

My kittens do love paper. I think they may have decided they needed it more than I do. I will have to look for it.

7 September 2006, Thursday evening

Gadget and Gizmo have caught their first mouse today! My kittens are officially earning their Iams. They had spent the morning in the kitchen acting like they were hunting something. This evening, before dinner, I found a dead mouse on the floor in front of the refrigerator. They did not even make a mess. Just a little dead mouse that was abandoned as it was no longer fun to play with. Yeah, kittens!

Now if they would just bring me back my paper.

8 September 2006, Friday

Today was another double workout day. I went to Victory and climbed for half an hour going .200 miles up. Then I did my upper body workout, came home and took a bath.

I came home so quickly because I really need to get a haircut. With my hair still wet from freshly washing it I headed out the door. For my second workout today I am walking in my neighborhood.

I decided to survey the hair salons on my way to the one I have been getting my hair done at for the past few years. I could not believe how much some of those places wanted. For just a trim of my split ends they wanted more than twice what I have been paying. Every single place I went into on my way to Cuts Off High was more expensive. Besides, John not only trims my split ends he French braids it for me for the same price. I highly recommend Cuts Off High on North High Street, just south of E North Broadway. My hair is currently longer than I have ever grown it before, thanks to John.

One of the reasons I wanted to get my hair cut and braided so badly was that I am headed out to go camping this weekend. I’m off to Yellow Springs for Harvest Days, another SCA event. I plan on getting there by 6 tonight and helping out where ever they need me.

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10 September 2006, Sunday

Amy came to visit today! She detoured on her way home from training a new employee and stopped in to see Brian and me for a few hours. Literally, she was only here for three hours.

Brian had fixed her sewing machine and had an old computer monitor for her husband. Since I did not go back up to Michigan after Pennsic and shipping heavy items is way expensive, plus she wanted to see us, she added a few hours to her drive home and swung through Columbus.

We sat on the couch and talked the entire time she was here. Boy oh boy is her life really busy. She is changing jobs and starting down the management track. I am so impressed.

I got to tell Amy about my new low weight. I may not be doing as well on the career track as Amy right now, but I am succeeding on the eviction project. I also told her all about the fun I had at Harvest Days this weekend.

I worked troll until 1 am Friday night, untangling the site tokens. Black string in the dark is such a challenge to untangle. Saturday I marshaled on the archery range for a short while. I also shot terribly as I did not have my own glove and had to use a loaner. I set a new low score.

I did dished in the kitchen several times during the day. I got to render first aid to a fighter who got his finger bashed by his friend. It was just a minor break of the skin, but the only first aid kit I knew the location of was mine. Once I had him all bandaged up we found an official Chirurgeon and made certain it was done correctly. Plus, this way I get to count this event for my Chirurgeon-in-Training. I even got to throw knives and spear. At the feast I served for a while and than ran off to do more dishes. Dishes are much more fun. I really like doing dishes. You get immediate visible results. Finally, just before I left to drive home, I danced at an SCA event for the first time in twelve years. I left at 10:15 even though the dancing was going to continue for quite some time. I wanted to sleep in my own bed.

Tonight I had planned on going to another All Soles Contra Dance. However, reality has set in and I’m going to go to bed early instead. Besides, if I had not admitted it, Brian would not have let me attend anyway. I am way too tired to be out dancing and I need to be able to work tomorrow.

11 September 2006, Monday

Today I got up early, dressed for going to the gym, ate a nice breakfast, and promptly went back to bed. I am having a sever stomach ache. When I first got up I thought I was just ravenously hungry. However, eating did not cure the pain. I went upstairs to get my swimsuit and the bed lured me back in. Several hours of sleep later I restarted the day. Only this time I had work to do before I could run off to play at the gym.

I did get to go to the gym this evening. I planned to stop in time to go to the 5:30 aqua aerobics class. Well, that was a nice plan. However, the reality was that Brian came upstairs and found me still working away at 5:30. I shut down my computer, changed my clothing and fled to Victory.

The class had already started over half an hour ago, so… I climbed on the Trek Mill. I really like this machine. Besides it gave me a good warm up before the 6:30 class. More importantly it keeps my record of using this machine every day going.

I figured I could get in twenty minutes. Since I had felt sick this morning I took it easy and did .101 miles up. I climbed at only a 15% grade going a nice slow and comfortable 1.9mph. I figured I’d push myself in the pool.

The aqua class was fun and I was again in the back of the class. When we did frog jumps I jumped as high as I could and was touching my feet practically at the surface of the water. Ok, so I am in the shallow end and the water was only about three and a half feet deep. That is still jumping at least three feet up. I was laughing while I did it and got several other people in the class to laugh as well. I think frog jumps are my favorite of all the different moves in this class. Then again, I also have fun with the high kicks. I slow down just a little so I can kick my feet all the way to breaking the surface of the water with each kick. There is also my dunking big skis. The instructor said to do them as wide as you can. I go so wide that my back knee touches the floor of the pool and my head goes under each time.

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12 September 2006, Tuesday

I feel so thin today. I pulled a skirt I put in the closet a while ago. I put it in there this spring when I was sorting clothing and decided that it did fit me again. It fit just barely but is a nice skirt that I have not been able to wear in a long time.

Today was the first time I pulled it out to actually wear it since I had put it in there. Wow! This skirt is inches and inches big on my waist. I can pull it down as low as those low rider jeans that are in fashion currently. I won’t actually wear it this low, as I think that is a terrible fashion. However, I am delighted that I have proof positive that I am really and truly shrinking.

14 September 2006, Thursday

I have had an ultimate blond moment today. I was running late on my way to the gym. As usual, I had lost track of time while working and it was later than I intended to leave when I walked out the door.

Before I left I had pulled my swimsuit on under my skirt. This way when I got to the gym I would be able to just take off my skirt and top, pull up my swimsuit and get in the pool.

That was the plan. At 5:45 there is really a lot of traffic and the lights all seemed red. Why is it that when you are running late the traffic lights feel like the are deliberately turning red just before you get to them?

At the third red light I tucked an arm inside my shirt and started pulling up my swimsuit. I was loosing way too much time at these red lights and I would not make it to the gym before the class started at 6. I had that arm in the suit and back out the armhole of my shirt before the light went green. I did the same trick at the next red light with my other arm. Ok, I had my swimsuit on completely.

Yet another red light caught me. I decided to take off my shirt as I was completely covered with my swimsuit. I tossed my shirt into my gym bag so I could put it on after I washed the chlorine off me.

I pulled into the parking lot in front of Victory at 6. Hey, I was not too late. Unfortunately, the membership card reader chose this moment to not read my card. I had to wait while an employee manually checked me in.

I was feeling late and rushed into the shower area. I took off my sandals, changed into my swim shoes and hopped into the first shower to wet myself down before getting in the pool. I dropped my gym bag on a chair near the pool and joined the class and started working out.

After a few minutes I noticed that something did not feel right. I looked down and instead of seeing the skirt of my swimsuit floating in the water I saw something bunched around my waist. Criminy, I had left my skirt on!

I took it off and rung it out. I plopped it on the side of the pool and went back to exercising. After a minute my brain finished laughing at me and started thinking again. I should hang this up or it will just get splashed repeatedly during the class. So I climbed out of the pool and hung up my skirt. Back in the pool my brain decided to come up with a better idea. If I hang my skirt up in the sauna, by the end of the class it should be actually dry. Out of the pool again to move my skirt to hang on the inside of the sauna door.

When the class was over my skirt was nice and dry. After I had washed all the chlorine out of my hair and off my body I got dressed in my dry skirt and shirt and headed home. The seat of my car did not get soaked and I am not going to put my swimsuit on under my clothing again. It would be far better to miss a few minutes of the class than demonstrate that my hair color is artificial intelligence.

15 September, 2006, Friday

Brian and I went to Wendy’s for lunch today. He really needed a break out of the house and neither of us wanted to cook. Besides, we had library books to return and more to pick up.

When I don’t actually need my purse when we are out I stash it under my driver’s seat. This way it is out of sight and not tempting anyone. The most important part of "lead me not into temptation" is the active part of not leading. Thus, out of sight, out of temptation.

In the parking lot of Wendy’s I reached down and tucked my purse under my seat while I was still sitting in it. I have never been able to do this before. Goodness, I must really be getting smaller.

Two weeks ago I had to move my seat forward and now I can reach under the seat. This is not the first time I have tried to do this. This is just the first time I have successfully achieved it. Previously I had always had to get out of the car to tuck my purse away. I just could not bend enough to reach and my legs were always in the way if I tried. Today, I just reached down and easily placed my purse under my seat.

This was a really nice thing to learn on the day when my morning naked weight was up. I was 268.5 pounds this morning. Oh well, not every time I step on the scale is it going to say I’m lower. Besides, I ate beans this week. The cool fall weather is here and Brian made his first batch of fall chili. I forgot how bloated beans make me. In another week my weight should be right back down.

I tried two new things at Victory. I tried a third instructor for water aerobics today. I don’t plan on taking the Friday evening water aerobics again. After a good shower I changed and went to the Dance class. I have wanted to try this since they started it. However, I have been out of town or busy with work for every class until this one. Five minutes into the class I knew I did not like it at all. All the arm movements they were doing were punching motions and I do not like kick boxing. Plus, there were all those blasted mirrors. I guess I’ll stick to water aerobics which has no mirrors. I went upstairs to climb hills, which I do like.

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17 September 2006, Sunday

My kittens are paper fiends! Their favorite toy is any loose piece of paper they can get their paws on. I have seen them stealing paper out of the recycle bin. Their thoughts seem to be, "Here, we know how to recycle this!" I have picked up the same pieces of paper several times now.

"Hey, Gadget got one.
I want one too!"

- Gizmo

Brian even has caught Gizmo carrying a letter up the staircase. It is like he is a miniature postman. When Brian said, "Drop it!" Gizmo actually dropped it at his feet. I am thinking Gizmo is very much like Belgarath was. He is not really a cat, but a dog with bad karma.

18 September 2006, Monday

Well, I just found out I’m not going up to Michigan tonight. It has been raining all day up there and the work that I was going to do needs dry weather. I’ll try again to go next week if the weather cooperates.

The good side of this is that I get to go to the gym this evening. I was planning on going this morning but decided to be responsible and worked instead. Now that I know I am not making a four hour drive I can go and play. I am going to climb hills, lift weights and probably take two water aerobics classes. Yeah, I get to go play gym rat this evening.

18 September 2006, Monday evening

My plans for going to the gym were made around 3 when I found out I would not be driving to Michigan at 6. I was thinking I would leave for the gym by 4. I just needed to finish the file I was working on.

The reality was that I worked until 7:30 and did not make it to Victory until 8. The water aerobics classes were all finished before I even left the house. However, I did actually make it to Victory, which was a victory for me. Yeah me! I continued my hill climbing.

I did a really tough climb today. I started with a minute at 50% grade at 1.9 mpr. Boy, oh boy, did this get me warmed up fast. Then I switched the grade to 25% and increased the speed. I varied the speed up to as fast as 2.7 mpr. The grade I tried to keep around 25%, but needed to ease if off to as much as 15% for a while and then I would push it back up. I did this for twenty minutes and really needed a break. Since I did not bring my water bottle with me I had to get off the machine and go to the drinking fountain. I wrote down the readings on the machine before I headed over for a cool drink. I’ve already climbed .160 miles!

I climbed back on and did another session. The machine had not reset to zero so I was able to continue my climb. This time I did a steady 15% grade at 2.5 mpr. After fifteen minutes I needed another break. Again I recorded my mileage. I’m up to .251 miles and have set a new highest climbed in one day record.

I set the grade for 25% when I got back on. I could honestly only do a 1.9 mpr speed. I held in at this grade for five long minutes. Then I lowered the grade to 15% and did another five. I really pushed myself to finish that last five minutes. I have set a new height record for the day of .313 miles up and a time record of 45 minutes, in three sessions.

When I got off the Trek Mill I went back to the drinking fountain and stayed there for at least five minutes. When I had caught my breath and was no longer thirsty the Leg Extension machine was right there, and no one was on it…. I ended up doing my entire lower body workout in half an hour.

I noticed that all of the machines are feeling easier to do than last week. I’ve only done this workout for two weeks. Even the monkey machine was easier. Then again, I am doing it on my toes. I looked at the directions and saw how my body was supposed to fit on the machine. At the shortest setting I am not aligned correctly. This machine is not made for short people. Then again, this world is not made for short people. When I stand on my toes on the monkey machine at the shortest setting I am positioned correctly and I can do all of my sets. It is a lot more fun when you are aligned with the pivot point of the machine.

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19 September 2006, Tuesday

This morning I had an ultimate blond moment.  I left the house without my key to my gym lock.  My lock was open so I did not even realize I had done this.  I did my workout and was back in the locker room when I discovered that I could not open my locker.  My purse, car keys, clothing and even my cell phone were locked beyond my reach.  Thankfully, the gym has a phone and, more importantly, Brian was home.  I called him and he hunted with me on the phone until he located my key. 

For the past week or so I have had my key attached to my wrist, night and day.  Last night I took it off and placed it on my dresser.  I did not think of this as I headed out to the gym.  Brian successfully found it.  Now he just needed to get the three and a half miles to the gym. 

We do not have two cars.  Another car would not have actually helped.  Brian does not drive.  It is not safe to have a legally blind person drive an automobile.  This meant he either would be walking or taking the bus.  Knowing Brian I fully expected him to walk.  I settled in to wait as either way it was going to be quite a while before he could get to the gym.

Earlier than I was expecting him an employee surprised me by giving me my key.  I had been listening for an announcement to come to the front desk.  Instead, Brian dropped my key off at the front desk and went out to the car to wait for me.  Out at the car he informed me that we were purchasing a combination lock, today.


20 September 2006, Wednesday

Yesterday I actually went to the gym twice.  Since I had locked all of my stuff up that morning I had not gone swimming.  I was feeling chlorine deficient.  Amazingly, I finished up my work at 5:30.  There was an aqua aerobics class starting at 6.  I could take this class!  I dashed off. 

After water aerobics I took a fast shower, got dressed and made it to my clay class.  My clay challenge, which I did finally achieve, was throwing a bowl.  This bowl is going to be my second memorial bowl.  Since Polgara died after my clay class ended this spring I could not make a memorial bowl for her.  After many months I am finally making it. 

To throw a bowl on the wheel first I had to center the clay on the wheel. This takes a near miracle for me to get it. Once I have it centered I need to form the bowl without inducing a twist into it. I don't know how many bowl attempts got beaten into mangled lumps in frustration. I had silent tears running down my face when I finally lifted a successfully thrown bowl.  I am really terrible on the wheel.  I can do so many things, but the pottery wheel makes me feel very incompetent. Next class I will trim this bowl and inscribe it.

This evening I’m off to the Tirnewydd meeting.  I’ve officially transferred from Mugmort to the SCA group that is within walking distance of my house.  It is only about a mile to where they meet.  This is much more doable both in time and money than the Mugmort meeting that was on the south west side of town.  I’m planning on signing up to do dishes at Tirnewydd’s event Red Dragon this Saturday.


21 September 2006, Thursday

I can’t believe I didn’t write about this yesterday.  My skirt, my favorite wool skirt, fits very loosely at my waist now.  I’m talking several inches loose here.  I had actually worn it Wednesday but I was thinking so much about what I had done Tuesday and the SCA meeting I was flying out the door to that I didn’t even mention it.  Brian had me put it back on and took pictures of this.

See, I have inches pinched to take up the sag.

Today, I yet again missed my Pilates class at Tuttle.  There are plans and good intentions and then there is reality.  I have yet to make it to this class because it is at 3:30.  I keep either having clients during the time, am working on a project and loose track of time or, like today, my blood sugar cancels the class for me.  Literally, as I was getting ready to walk out the door, I was suddenly feeing wobbly and realized I needed to eat another meal.  For the first time I was actually going to make it to this class and then I didn’t.  I am discovering that 3:30 in the afternoon is not a good time for me to take a class.  Morning or evening classes seem to fit my schedule much better.

Today I discovered how to banish red lights!  All you have to do is actually want to have a red light.  Since I missed my Pilates class I went to the gym.  On the way home I wanted a red light to put on my lipstick before I got home to have dinner with Brian.  Not a single red light was to be found.  I have never had this happen before on this stretch of road.

I also have had another sign that I am really shrinking.  I wore a pair of flats that fit last winter, but now they are too big! 

Other big sign I have had recently are that one pair of pants Andrea bought me in April or May now fall off.  I am not joking at all here. Brian and I were running errands and in the parking lot of JoAnn's they literally were falling off my hips. I had to hang on to them all the time for if I let go they would immediately start sliding down my underpants. Thankfully, the pair of underpants I had on were staying up. In the store I had a hand in my pocket of my coat holding on to my pants for dear life. When I would look at something I would forget and have to make a grab to catch them. I need to put a new waistband or drawstring in these.  When these were puchased they fit me perfectly. Not too tight, not too loose, they were just right and they stayed up on their own. Now they are the ultimate drop trousers from vaudville. All I have to do is take my hands off my waiste and my pants fall down.

Even my chokers are getting too big.  I like to wear a choker necklace.  Well, my favorite one is too loose.  When I shrink, I shrink everywhere.  Now if only my chest line would get smaller.

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27 September 2006, Wednesday

I’ve been gone out of town since last Friday. 

I left early Friday morning to get to Pounce V – an equestrian SCA event – by noon.  I helped set up the course on Friday and on Saturday I authorized as a goundsman. 

This means that I was out on the course resetting the things between riders. I was also fixing a problem during the event. 
The heads kept falling off the posts from the wind before the rider would even get to them to knock them off.

<--The head is dangling and the rider is not even doing this part yet.

Now you can see the head on the post the rider is about to knock off. -->

When the person who won rode she cut across the course at a full gallop.  She was headed almost right at me.  I just held completely still and pretended I was a tree.  I let her guide the horse around me instead of my trying to get out of her way.

Archery at the event was a really cool “Smurf Hunt.”  The targets were legs from old jeans stuffed with straw to represent smurfs.  My new archery glove worked.  I’m not certain if I really like it.  I guess I am just really used to my old glove.  Now if only the kittens will surrender it.

The picture of me as a groundsman were taken by the Baroness.
My Yoda kept her company.

At the Baronial Court that evening the Baroness was delayed.  I decided to go grab my guitar and stall for her.  I don’t know how to play it, yet, and I have had no singing lessons, ever.  Plus, I couldn’t remember all the words to the song I was singing very badly. 

I had a great time!

I got to play at a forge again.  There was a really nice man who had his forge set up and I asked if I could use it.  He had some extra scrap and I made a toasting rod for marshmallows.  My last gourmet-toasting rod got lost on the trip to Pennsic.  This one does not look that great, but I did make it myself.  I’ll get some decent metal stock and make a better set later.  I also fixed my combination ground quiver / bow stand that I had ordered earlier this summer.  It was not quite the lines I wanted so I heated it up and bent the curved section that I did not like into nice 90-degree angles.  Now I can make a smaller version of my banner and hang it on my bow stand.

Forging is a lot of physical work,
pounding and cranking.

The only thing I did not like about this event was there was not a shower.  I was grimy from camping.  Doing dishes that night at the camp I at least got all the crud out from under my nails.  Normally, I use a set of rubber gloves at home. 

I didn’t feel like staying dirty and headed up to Michigan late Saturday night.  Michigan was a lot of work, and I am very happy to be home.  Brian and I are going to China Garden for lunch.


29 September 2006, Friday

Yesterday didn’t really happen for me.  I had an allergic reaction to something and slept the entire day away.  I woke up long enough to eat and then went back to go to sleep a few times.  It was not until today that we realized that I am having an allergic reaction to something.  I am having hives.  I have little itchy bumps all over me.  I feel like the back of my eyes need scratched.  I have lots of little red spots where I obviously scratched my skin open yesterday in my sleep. Now what the heck is it that I’m allergic to?  At first Brian and I thought that I had somehow gotten into dirt again.  However, I have the hives everywhere.  Plus, they are spreading from my stomach and my throat.  Brian thinks I ate something I’m allergic to at China Garden.

I’m living on benadryl and can at least get things done.  This evening I’m meeting my friends Amy and Don Hanson and we are going to the ballet.  This will be my second time for seeing the New Space, New Works performance.  Amy and Don are down in Columbus this weekend to go to the SCA event Red Dragon.  Since they are sleeping at our house I asked them if they wanted to go to the ballet and they said yes.  It will be so nice to go to the ballet with someone.  Brian always purchases tickets for me, but he has no interest what so ever in attending.

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